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Parental Piggy Bank

Food. Movie tickets. Partying. New clothes. Week after week we find ourselves trying to find money to pay for all this. An increasing trend at Fairfield appears to be a simple phone call to Mom and Dad asking to send us a little extra spending money. Jennifer Stedman '07 lives in the townhouses now.
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Splashing into action

What are you doing after college? This dreaded question makes students cringe at the thought that they will actually have to make a decision. Kelly Steele '05 followed her dream to be an animal trainer. Now she's training orcas at Sea World in Florida.
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Brazilian professor doing more than just teaching at FU

by Jessica Marques Some students may pass by the flag of Brazil that hangs on a Donarumma office door without a second thought, but this flag represents national pride to the professor inside the office. Brazilian Marcos Pedlowski, Ph.D., is serving as an economics professor at Fairfield this academic year.
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From the editor’s desk: Mirror in need of a ‘toon up?

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. But when it comes to political cartoons, are some things better left unsaid? Last week, The Mirror published a cartoon on page 18 depicting two heavily tanned Caucasian students walking through campus, with the tagline "You know it's after spring break at Fairfield when…the diversity problem disappears for a few weeks.
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Drivers beware: new ticketing techniques for DPS

Orange envelopes are starting to pop up on students' cars across campus. These envelopes contain the new style of Fairfield University parking tickets, which are now being given out to students via four recently purchased Palm Pilots. These recent additions to Public Safety are still unknown to most students on campus.
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Center for Multicultural Relations sees increase in visitors

by Jessica Marques In an increasingly global world, college students appreciate diversity more than ever. Some students even select universities based on its acceptance of diverse students. Fairfield University President Jeffrey P. von Arx, S. J., has been trying to make Fairfield one of those universities by increasing diversity on campus.
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Please, don’t call me doctor; I prefer neighbor

More student housing available. Better programming space within the residence halls. More student lounges modeled after the Ignatian Residential College. A better sense of community in Fairfield's student housing. Getting faculty involved with residence halls by having them live on campus.