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College Boy Breaks Rap Mold

Sam Adams proved that a senior at Trinity College in Hartford could not only rap about anything, he could release an eight song EP and rise to the number one Hip-Hop song on iTunes.
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‘I’m Irish So I Can Drink a Lot’

Saint Patrick’s Day in the states is as commercial as a holiday gets. It has become a day, for better or for worse, where “Everyone Is Irish.” That means everyone believes they can drink a lot more than they should.
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Things That Go Bang In The Night

Read the results of a non-scientific Mirror survey asking 200 students in the BCC a series of questions on everything from their favorite sex position, how many sexual partners they have had, and even if they believed sex was a sin.
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Everything a Barstool Should Have

Every day the males of Fairfield point their browsers to various Web sites, but one that tops the list is Readers are greeted with the latest news, rumors, and the Smokeshow of the Day.