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Why I’m cashing out on the new feature

One of the most entertaining parts of my day is seeing all of the people making odd faces in public. Are they making really odd faces for the purpose of Snapchatting or sending cash? Perhaps they are doing...
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Weighing in on childhood obesity

America: land of the free and the home of the obese. This is how other countries view the United States. Granted, the United States does have an extremely high obesity rate, but obesity is a problem in other...

If can only be our future if we vote for it

America is the land of freedom, founded upon principles of equality and freedom not available to people living in England during the 1700s. When the U.S. was established, an entirely new system of government...
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How to kill it in Stag Country

Welcome Class of 2018 All your hard work has paid off — the dreaded SATs and ACTs are over, the last grueling weeks of senior year have ended, the strenuous anticipation waiting for that acceptance letter...
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Spring … into the library

The sun is (finally) peeking out from behind the clouds, the temperature has risen (slowly, but surely) and the summer season is in sight. There’s only a month of classes left before that dreaded obstacle...