Condoms Don’t Belong Here

It seems the beast will not die. I wrote a column about this topic last year, but the movement to cudgel a Catholic school into violating its religious conscience for the momentary sexual appetites of its...

Ives’ Transphobia Originates in Trump

Ever since the 2016 presidential election, it is increasingly difficult to listen as people express shock when political issues morph into personal attacks. Rep. Jeanne Ives, a Republican candidate for the...

Lady Doritos are a Sexist Concept

First we get Reba McEntire changing the food industry forever by becoming the first female Colonel Sanders of KFC and now we get gendered corn chips. What a time to be alive in the junk food industry, am I...

#SoMale? Not Just the Grammys

#GrammysSoMale? Yes, and so is the rest of the entertainment industry and most areas of life. Even so, it does not lessen the fact that the 60th Annual Grammy Awards on Jan. 28 favored male musicians. Except...

Timberlake Disrespects the Dead

Prince fans are in an uproar after the Super Bowl Halftime Show. At Super Bowl LII on Feb. 4,  pop singer Justin Timberlake performed an ultimately lackluster halftime show performance. One of the...

Farrakhan Picture Proves Media Bias

In a story you didn’t hear about this week because of the mainstream press’ utter disinterest, a suppressed photograph from 2005 of a jovial President Barack Obama and Congressional Black Caucus taken with...
Creative Commons/Flickr

Teenagers Have Always Sought Stupidity

Following the creation and subsequent social media phenomenon of the “Tide Pod Challenge” in December 2017, it now appears to be necessary to remind teenagers and young adults that consuming laundry...
Creative Commons / Flickr

Holocaust Remembrance Day Resonates

The international community recently remembered the worst horror of the twentieth century, among rising hatred internationally. Jan. 27, 2018 marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Seventy-three...