Hello fellow Stags! I’m Megan Forbes, your new BlackBerry Girl! Hopefully I’ll be able to last through the endless torment of the iPhone Guy, which is next to impossible for any decent human being.

The topic is Sundays. Does this sound like your weekend?  You went to a club on Thursday for College Night. You partied at the townhouses on Friday. You went to the beach on Saturday. Now comes Sunday, and you feel like you’ve been hit with a bulldozer. The mixed drinks, Red Bulls, Easy Mac, and Domino’s are all catching up as you’re laying in your twin XL on a lonely afternoon. And you couldn’t possibly imagine feeling any worse. Sundays in college are by far the worst day of the week.

Sunday is always perceived as the most productive day of the week in college, because every task that needs to be completed is pushed to Sunday, when you’ll have “the time” to do it. Your last party of the weekend is in Club DiMenna, and you’re not dancing on a table in your high heels, or begging people for rides home from the beach at the end of the night. It feels like you’re drowning in a kiddie pool of textbooks, emails, and syllabi.

Some students like to push their cleaning to the dreadful Sunday. Luckily, I’m not one of these people. I’m so OCD about cleaning that I do it everyday, and I enjoy it. And since I have a community bathroom, I don’t need to worry about yelling at roommates for putting their hair on the walls of the shower. But if you’re like the iPhone guy, you’re probably going to wind up on your hands and knees scrubbing a toilet with cleaning supplies you don’t know how to use. Luckily for iPhone guy, he has a wonderful clean-freak friend – yours truly – who shows him how to turn on a vacuum to clean his filthy palace rug.

Finally, when all the homework and cleaning is checked off of the list, there is nothing left to do on Sunday but relax. And boy, finishing all of the tasks at a decent hour makes you feel like a kid on Christmas. Now you get to lounge around and reminisce about the weekend, telling your stories of still getting lost on the way home from the townhouses, and how you went back out at 3 a.m. to go on a McDonald’s run.

You’ll wind up in Barone, stuffing your face with fried food to settle your stomach, and let’s admit it: Barone has some pretty good food on the weekends. Reward yourself with a salad bowl full of ice cream, accompanied with fries, pizza, and a plate of cookies. Have fun on the RecPlex treadmill tomorrow.

Late Sunday night takes a turn for the worst. You finally realize your glorious weekend is over, and it’s time to go back to your cave in the library after every class until Thursday night rolls around. Monotony sets in again. Depressing, huh?  There’s no greater satisfaction than having a lazy Sunday; it’s just unfortunate that the majority of us don’t get to experience it during our time at StagLand. But let’s try to be optimistic about Sundays; it’s only a few more days until the parties commence once again!

-Sent from my Verizon Wireless Blackberry

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