When you don’t see your roommates for a long time. Nobody knows the importance of friendship better than these stepbrothers.
When you go to support your fellow Stags. You may not know a single rule of basketball, but you can read a scoreboard.
When your friends force you to go to the RecPlex with them.
Making sure the boy that you gave your number on the weekend isn’t sitting in The Stag. Phew, the coast is clear. Now you can enjoy your chicken teriyaki bowl in peace.
When you’re trying to get a word in, but The Tully is too loud for anyone to hear you. Especially if you’re sitting at a big table with a lot of competing opinions.
When your weekend Netflix binge is rudely interrupted by your friends who want you to get ready to go out. You don’t have the heart to tell them that it’s really cold outside, and the walk to the townhouses sounds majorly unappealing.
Hearing your professor say, “You can pass your papers to the front of the room.” Also, you don’t even know where your syllabus is, therefore did not do said assignment.
When your roommate takes your leftovers from the fridge. Yes, it was a post-bar snack and maybe they didn’t realize what they were doing, but your name was on it.
When the weather is finally getting warmer. It’s Point Day season!
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