Friday, September 15

9:03 a.m. A microwave caught on fire in Regis due to a rubber mug being heated up.

7:00 p.m. During the Fairfield Prep football game, five female students from Laurelton Hall High School were severely intoxicated. The director of Public Safety called the dean of students at their high school to handle their punishment.

Saturday, September 16

12:02 a.m. A freshman from Campion was taken to the Health Center.

3:10 a.m. A sexual assault charge was filed in Loyola. The case is still under investigation.

Sunday, Septmeber 17

1:04 a.m. An RA approached two non-students and, when asked with whom they were staying, they failed to respond. They were escorted off campus.

2:17 a.m. An RA in Gonzaga made a call to Public Safety due to noise coming from one of the rooms. When Public Safety entered the room it was empty, and beer cans were found. The room was written up.

2:47 a.m. A call from the host of a late night gospel show on WVOF was made due to vulgar and biased phone calls she had been receiving on the show. The background of the phone call sounded like the caller was at a party. Public Safety is still trying to trace the calls.

7:05 a.m. While patrolling the campus, a Public Safety officer found a six-foot mirror broken into pieces outside Campion’s left wing.

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