Information contributed by the Department of Public Safety


3:49 p.m

A motor vehicle accident involving Fairfield University vehicles in the Charles F. Dolan School of Business parking lot was reported. There were no injuries.  


1:05 a.m 

Suspicious activity was reported in Jogues Hall via the LiveSafe app, resulting in a narcotics arrest. The student was referred to student conduct.   

8:00 a.m. 

Several faculty classrooms in Rudolph F. Bannow Science Center were attempted to be entered without authorization.  

Two entries were made and one laptop was reported stolen. The Fairfield Police Department has been notified and the incident is currently under investigation. 

11:02 p.m.

An individual was rescued from an elevator in Dolan Hall. A maintenance request was placed. 


1:21 a.m. 

A group of individuals fled Department of Public Safety officers into the woodline outside of Regis Hall. They were identified and referred to student conduct. 

2:29 a.m 

An Uber driver reported to DPS that an individual in a group was throwing rocks at his car after he denied them a ride outside of the DiMenna-Nyselius Library. The incident is under investigation. 


1:50 a.m.

The smell of marijuana at the townhouses resulted in the discovery of narcotics possession. The individual was referred to student conduct. 


About The Author

-- Junior I English --

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