Two Fairfield students were arrested last Monday night on charges of possession of two pounds of marijuana, according to an article by the Connecticut Post. The students, junior Jonathan Roberts and sophomore Michael Coscina, are roommates in Claver Hall.
According to the Post article, Roberts and Coscina were charged with “possession of more than four ounces of marijuana, possession with intent to sell and possession within 1,500 feet of a school.”
The discovery came after Roberts was caught speeding on Oxford Road by Fairfield Police officer William Demotses, who then discovered about one quarter of a pound of marijuana in the car.
Police then found two pounds of pot and $3,000 in cash in their dorm room in Claver Hall when the room was searched, leading to the subsequent arrest of Coscina.
Although the University did not make an official statement in reaction to these events, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students Thomas Pellegrino commented on the University’s overall drug policy.
“In general terms, our drug policy is similar to policies you will find at other colleges and universities,” he said. “Illegal drugs and paraphernalia are prohibited on campus.”
He referenced the University Handbook when speaking of the difference between simple offenses and major offenses. The Handbook describes a simple offense as “possession of drug paraphernalia and possession or use of small quantities of drugs,” which then result in fines and other probations. Major offenses, however, result in dismissal or expulsion, and these offenses include, “possession or use of large quantities of drugs…and/or the intent to sell or distribute.”
In regards to the policy, Pellegrino said, “These are matters we take very seriously, and students should be aware of the significant and lasting impact these matters will have not only on their educational careers but their lives.”
No one at the University agreed to officially comment on the case, due to student confidentiality.
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