Increased Security: What does it do? To answer my own question, nothing. Recently, we’ve seen a security boost at the main gate. Every car entering campus must show identification. Some days the line has stretched onto North Benson Road.

Last week, we published an article discussing why these measures were being taken so I won’t give you all the technical details.

However it does strike me as being overdone. People, I’m sure, will claim that because we are close to New York City, we become a legitimate target as well as the claim that colleges are possible targets because they are poorly defended, host large events, and contain materials for nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons? Last I knew we don’t have plutonium here or a nuclear reactor. As to large events, we might not even have a spring concert so why are we worried. We may be near New York City but as far as I can tell, terrorism doesn’t happen where or when it’s expected. I doubt that terrorists will hit Fairfield any time soon.

But for those people who don’t agree with those reasons, do you really believe that this security lockdown will prevent anything? Yes, it’s difficult to get in the main gate but it’s not as if the other gates are so large and imposing that people can’t get by them. A tiny metal gate blocks the entrance by Jogues. You can either walk around it or if you were so inclined, I’m sure with a large vehicle you could smash right through it.

On top of that, at least 3/4 of this campus is accessible by foot. The tree line by Dolan is completely open and easily accessed. Even where there are walls, it’s not as if they are ten feet tall with razor wire on top. Anyone with a desire to get on campus can.

The school claims that these new security precautions would limit the amount of unknown and unregistered guests, which would include solicitors. However, I have not noticed any fewer flyers for bars or clubs. Also, just last night, I had a solicitor at my door trying to sell me tickets to a comedy club. My RA was forced to ask him to leave.

Now don’t get me wrong. I think safety is important and needed. But this is not safety. This is a situation where the school does something very public to make themselves look good on paper but does nothing in reality. It causes tie ups at the gate while doing nothing to address the easy accessibility of our campus. It is exactly the same argument of immigration into our country. Let’s worry about airports security when the entire length of our borders with Mexico and Canada people can come across without a problem.

I say get rid of the added security at the gate so they can go back to patrolling the campus, stopping theft, dealing with parking ‘ driving violations, and really doing what they need to do, keeping our campus truly safe.

As a student remarked in last week’s Mirror, “Do they expect to find Osama bin Laden in the townhouses? I doubt it.” Preach it brother. Let security do their real job, instead of glorified parking attendants.

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