Too often in college politics, students are under-whelmed by their choice of candidates. However, this year’s candidates represent a wide student contingency and include members from a variety of groups, including class council, campus ministry and club sports. Each candidate also has an admirable platform. However, The Mirror editorial board feels Jessica DiBuono is the best choice for FUSA President.
It is DiBuono’s experience in student organizations and commitment to the university and student body that set her apart from the other candidates. Her experiences as an RA and FYE leader her make her an accessible and friendly presence on campus. Her plans to reorganize FUSA’s infrastructure and increase communication with the students are commendable, and we believe her previous record attests to her ability to put these plans into action.
However, we endorse DiBuono with both hopefulness and skepticism. With the strength of this year’s candidates, DiBuono was by no means heads above the rest. Ashlee Fox has done an outstanding job as Vice President of the Class of 2006. Her platform is achievable and she understands the average Fairfield student. Jason Taverna and Rick Fasano are also strong candidates. Although they lack experience, they understand and advocate for the under-represented student. If DiBuono is elected, she would be remiss not to appoint these fine individuals to her cabinet. Without their insight, we feel her administration would not reach its full potential.
Secondly, we fear that DiBuono’s current entrenchment in FUSA could be a hindrance to progress. Although FUSA’s infrastructure needs reworking, we ask that she not forget the student body as a whole. Ultimately, it’s the students for whom the FUSA president must be a voice.
Despite these reservations, we are confident that DiBuono has the willingness and experience to move FUSA forward and make it a more effective and efficient organization. DiBuono’s enthusiasm and commitment to the students seems promising.
No matter who wins, students ultimately expect accountability. Elections are too often filled with empty promises that lead students astray. FUSA’s incoming staff must take accountability for their actions, good and bad. Accept praise along with criticism.
Ultimately, we chose to endorse DiBuono because we feel that she will not only conduct herself in a way representative of her constituency, but hold herself to a high standard of success and accountability. Ms. DiBuono, please don’t prove us wrong.
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