I will go to the gym everyday! I will eat healthier! I will give up soda!
These are common New Year resolutions that are heard all around by college students and young people in general. Most people view the New Year as a time to start again and make better choices.
The gyms become packed, the food stores are over crowded with people buying fruits and veggies, and I can only wonder, “How long is this really going to last?”
Students around Fairfield University all had very similar resolutions. Some of them included:
• Eating better
• Going to the RecPlex more
• Choosing wiser meal
• Meeting new people
• Doing better in their classes
I myself have a very similar set of New Year’s resolutions, and it was very amusing to see how similar all college students are. Based off of my prior experience with actually following through on my own New Years resolutions, I predict that about 50% of students will follow theirs, or most of them, and 50% of students will give up in two weeks or less.
It is hard to follow through with a New Year’s Resolution. There are so many temptations staring at us right in the face begging us to make the wrong decision and give up. I can honestly say that last year, I gave up on my own resolution a few months into the New Year.
I think that people honestly want to keep their resolutions, but it is so easy to forget them at times. It takes a lot of will power and determination to say no to the bag of Doritos and actually wake up early and hit the gym to run everyday.
Many people who attend the gym every week are probably shocked by the increase of students who are now going to the RecPlex to workout and start off the New Year strong.
No matter what age, people tend to share similar resolutions: working out more, eating healthier, and living a better lifestyle. I really don’t think that many young adults would disagree with this and I am quite sure that many of them all have similar resolutions.
I do not think that getting good grades would be one of their concerns, simply because as a young adult you are most likely out of school or grad school and you have a job. Young adults, along with living a better lifestyle, are probably more concerned with their bills and spending less, or making more money, or even finding a better job.
Whatever it may be, New Year resolutions are a way for people to better evaluate their lives and what is important to them. It is a time where you can literally start over and fix something you may not like.
I am hoping to keep my own New Year resolution this year and wish the best of luck to anyone who is trying to do the same. Only the strong will survive!
Happy New Year!
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