Protestor an ‘arrogant nuisance’

Like many others, I was disgusted after reading the newspaper article detailing the way the writer went about harassing the army recruiters who came to Fairfield.

I was surprised that the article was written, due to the fact that Levy made himself come across as an arrogant nuisance.

I wonder why he felt the need to bother the recruiters for 40 minutes and take “30 percent of the total pamphlets” with the intent of simply recycling them.

He writes as if he was surprised that the army recruiters were not thrilled about him bothering them with pointed questions and taking an unreasonable amount of informational pamphlets.

He argues against the “arbitrary limit” placed on the number of pamphlets he was allowed to take. I would hardly categorize this as an arbitrary limit.

Perhaps, for some crazy reason, the recruiters actually wanted to save some pamphlets for the students who are genuinely interested in what the Army can do for them.

Now, I understand that a lot of people are angry about the war going on overseas, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. But this is more than that.

Levy was disrespectful when he insulted all those who serve in the Army by inappropriately labeling our brave men and women as “mercenaries.”

Like many people in the Fairfield community, I have a relative serving in Iraq, and I hardly appreciate such a comment.

I have an immense amount of respect for my cousin, along with every single man and woman who risk their lives in order to protect America, along with the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.

I think that, no matter what our political beliefs are, we owe our troops respect.

This does not mean that everyone has to agree with the war.

Whether we agree with what they are fighting for is irrelevant.

What is relevant is that these people have made selfless choices by joining the Army and should be treated with the respect they deserve.


James Ballanco ’11

Candidate says coverage is biased

I am surprised that nothing was said about the fact that since women have been on the Fairfield campus for 38 years, only two FUSA presidents have been women.

Each article published has talked about the other three candidates, but nothing about myself or the other vice-presidential candidate, Emily Dragone.

We have both worked diligently to get to where we are in our campaigns and the programs we have already developed and implemented on campus.

Some have talked about a new direction – why haven’t they started something instead of waiting to be elected? It is possible to make a difference, and a large one at that, without being an elected official.

The only difference is a title and more recognition for your efforts. I am asking The Mirror to be fair; give the women some credit and do a story on them.


Jackie Mylroie ’09, candidate for FUSA president.

Multiple articles on forgery upset housemates

As fellow members of the class of 2009, we would like to express our malice toward the local media’s exploitation of Taras Kulynych.

Since coming back to school this semester, there have been multiple articles in The Mirror regarding the false identification issue at Fairfield, in which Taras has received the bulk of the negative media.

As readers of The Mirror, we would like to read more about positive topics involving the school, and less about impending investigations. The Mirror has already pointed the finger at Taras once.

There was no need to publish yet another front page article where Taras was connected to Fairfield’s fake ID situation. It is a known fact that fake IDs are very common across colleges in the U.S. Taras has been singled out enough.

We are all sick of reading about it.

We encourage the staff of The Mirror to do complete investigative reporting, but it’s time to put this issue to bed.


Marc Fedoras ’09, Kyle Robinson ’09, Kevin Ditroia ’09, Mike Ignagni ’09 (townhouse 73 residents and former roommates of Taras Kulynych ’09)

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