The Best: Gonzaga

When you think of Gonzaga, three things come to mind: 1. How do I pronounce it? 2. Big rooms. 3. Closest to Canisius. If you’re lazy and like to fill your room with huge beanbag chairs and still have room to park a Lincoln Town Car, Gonzaga is the dorm for you. Housing problems? You can walk to the housing office in your slippers. Stag Card problems? It’s right next door to housing. Unlike Loyola, you don’t need to write essays and send applications to score huge rooms with your best buds. When it’s three below zero, you don’t even have to bundle up to get to class, just run. Those people that you see in the middle of winter with flip flops most likely live in Gonzaga because it’s so close to Canisius. Speaking of proximity to Canisius, you can even jump out your window and be there in no time.

The Worst: Dolan

Dolan is big and scary. There are rumors of a ghost. Good luck finding your way up there, although on the plus side, you will gain some muscles in your legs after a year. What’s even better is that it used to be a convent, so every time you hook-up in your room, you think of those little old nuns praying with their rosaries. Kinda creepy. Kinda kills the mood. If you live in Dolan, tank tops are your best friends. It’s not uncommon to have your window open all year round because the heat is so unbearable. You might have it turned off, but if you feel the heater, you’re bound to get burned. On the plus side, you can use your heater to make a decent grilled cheese or sunny side-up eggs. Showers: some of them don’t drain, so unless you want to get Athlete’s Foot up to your knees, be prepared to go to class with stringy, oily hair. And by the end of the year, you skin will be drier than an armadillo’s scales. But don’t ask me, I chose to live there.

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