To the Editor:

It was with profound sadness that last week the Fairfield University community lost one of their own, Alex Carrion of the class of 2008. Alex was known to all those who loved him as a warm and caring individual who exemplified all that Fairfield has to offer.

Alex lives on in the memory of those who loved him best as we all search for ways to answer the questions that linger from this tragedy.

In the midst of so much darkness, grief and despair that surrounded this loss, I was able to see one glimmering light of hope. The Fairfield University community was able to come together and lean on one another as we all try to get through this difficult time. The 200 or so sophomores who make up the Ignatian Residential College serve as tremendous examples of strength as they united and helped one another.

I witnessed countless examples of utter friendship and love as students consoled one another and truly served as “men and women for others.”

I also have great admiration for the administration, faculty and staff of Fairfield for the way they handled themselves last week.

In a time of student need, the administration was there to answer. Mr. John Falzone of Campus Operations is one of the most caring and giving individuals I have had the pleasure to meet during my four years here.

I witnessed firsthand, Mr. Falzone spend his entire day with the students of Loyola, compassionately caring for those who needed him. Fairfield is better for having him here with us.

There were also countless other administrators who gave no thought to themselves and instead focused on those they serve – the students. Economics professor, Dr. Phil Lane; Fr. Jim Mayzik, S.J.; Ignatian Residential College Coordinator, Jodie Fitzpatrick; Associate Director of the Ignatian Residential College, Joe DeFeo; and Diane Nolan, head coach of women’s basketball, just to name a few.

We as students are tremendously lucky to have such individuals looking after us on this campus.

In the midst of tragedy, it was an honor to bear witness to the warm and compassionate nature of these individuals, as only this will get us through the trying times.

Alex, you are missed. Rest in peace.


Jess DiBuono ’06

FUSA President

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