Photo illustration by Dan Leitao/The Mirror The road trip precedes the crazy visit.

Photo illustration by Dan Leitao/The Mirror The road trip precedes the crazy visit.

You and your buddies pile into the car. Expectations are high; there are two 30s in the trunk, iPod blasting your playlist, printed MapQuest directions and you’re off. In just a few hours you will be pulling into one of the many colleges along the East Coast, a welcome break from the Fairfield scene.

The drive:

Once the invitation to visit your friend’s school has been extended, you are quick to tell your friends so as not to have to travel there alone. All week you will be pumped for your excursion to see your old friend. So make sure the car is clean, tank is full and music is ready. Speeding and road beers can lead to quite a crappy start to the weekend, so be smart.
Being a good guest:

Don’t throw up, don’t get in a fight, and above all else, don’t sexile your host. After that, your best bet is just to act like you would at Fairfield. The worst you can do is act like you don’t care. Besides that, your friends will be trying to show you the best time there is. So if you’re missing Fairfield, don’t let them see and just know that when they come to Fairfield they will be blown away.
Being a good host:

As the host, your job is to simply show your friends as good a time as you can. At Fairfield that means the whole FU experience. The beach and the townhouses  are ideal, and if your friends are lucky enough to come in the spring, a Saturday at the Point is also in order. A good dinner is ideal so it is best to take them to the Levee. Barone is only for when you’re hungover or still drunk from the night before. Make sure to get them a guest pass. It saves trouble in the long run, which also explains some simple Res Life policies.

Damn, who invited that kid?:

There will always be that one kid visiting who realizes that he will never see any of these people again and does not care what anyone thinks of him.
Chances are you can exclude inviting him altogether. If you can’t, your best bet is to pray he realizes that he is just being a tool.

The exit:

The worse thing you can do is stay too long. If it’s a day trip, it is best to be out before noon. The two day excursion gives you more leeway.
No matter what happens, the trip back to Fairfield should be capped off with a stop at Country Cow.

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