Registering for classes is known for being one of the worst times of the year. This stressful process becomes even more stressful when you realize that the only available section for your intended class is with the teacher with the worst reviews. 

Almost every single college student I know uses Rate My Professor as a tool to pick professors. This website is one of the most helpful tools I have used in my college career thus far, but at what cost? 

I admit I tend not to think about the professors’ reactions when they read their reviews. But, it is something to keep in mind. Some of the reviews I have seen are ruthless and honestly a little over the top. Students will use harsh words to describe a professor’s class, but they don’t think about how the professor will react when they see these reviews.

It seems that a lot of students have forgotten what constructive criticism means. The reviews of professors don’t have to be mean, instead they can simply state why they did not like the professor in a respectful manner without causing distress to the professor.

Reviews of Fairfield professors which state, “I don’t understand how he’s still employed,” “Sorry grandpa this isn’t 1898 anymore,” and “if you want to actually learn, take someone with a functioning brain” are sure to upset some professors. 

But, if there is a consistent pattern of negative reviews, shouldn’t that be a reason for change? At some point, a professor has to be honest with themselves and reevaluate their teaching skills to see where the disconnect between students is coming from. 

On the other hand, Rate My Professor is one of the most important tools I think a college student should be able to navigate. Not only does it give you a rating of how good or bad the teacher is, it also informs you of other vital information. It lets you know if the class is for credit, if attendance is mandatory or not, if there is a textbook, what grade the student received in the class and if they would take it again. The platform also gives a number scale on the quality of the class and the difficulty, with the lowest score being one and the highest being five. 

Personally, I think all of this information is necessary to have and is so convenient to have before class registration so that you know what you are getting yourself into. Along with the general information about the class, a lot of reviews will mention if the class is lecture based, if the grading is hard or how interactive the class is. The platform is very useful and allows students to get a good idea of what the class they will be taking is about. 

Some people may argue that the reviews of these teachers are subjective, which, yes, they can be! However, if there are many reviews that say the same thing, I will likely assume that the professor may not be the best fit for me and that’s okay! Everyone learns differently and different things work for different people. 

If I were to recommend any website for incoming students this would be my top pick! This website is extremely versatile and allows for you to gauge a better understanding about your professor. With that being said, these reviews should not be the only factor in deciding what professor to choose and you should wait to make your own assumptions about a professor. As always, treat people with kindness because even though professors are there to teach you they are also people as well!

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