Can Pope Francis truly make a difference advocating for greater environmental awareness?
Jon Ajila ‘18: “…Him advocating and helping the environment may help people who still believe that global warming isn’t a problem.”

Jen Gambino ‘19: “…I know that’s awful to say, but I don’t think he’s going to make any difference compared to somebody else.”

Dr. Paul Lakeland, Director of the Center for Catholic Studies: “…He’s not going to have an impact on Congress or the United Nations unless public opinion moves in the direction of encouraging our elected representatives nationally or internationally to be more serious about addressing these things. You know, there’s an awful sense of urgency, but there’s no moral will to make the changes, or political will to make the changes right now and that will not come from elected representatives unless those who elect them put the pressure on them. I think that’s why when he speaks — when he read the encyclical — it wasn’t addressed to leaders, it wasn’t addressed to bishops, it was addressed to everybody.”

About The Author

-- Online Editor-in-Chief Emeritus-- Digital Journalism

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