What did Lady Gaga wear to the Grammy’s? Where are Brad and Angelina adopting their next child from? What is Lindsay Lohan in jail for this time? Is Khloe Kardashian really adopted?

These are the questions that most of our generation seems to generally care about most.   It is a known fact that nowadays people want to know more about which celebrity is dating whom rather than what is happening in Syria.

When we turn on the news it is common to see the latest indiscretions of celebrities plastered on our television screens. This is why it came as no surprise that the death of Whitney Houston was the number one item on Fox News.

You would have to have been living under a rock to have missed the death of one of the world’s most recognized and beloved singers.  Whitney Houston died on Feb. 11 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel just a day before the 54th Annual Grammy Awards.  Her death has been the most talked about topic for the past two weeks.

Within minutes of news of her death, every major news source was covering the story of her death with frequent updates. The circumstances surrounding her death were made public almost immediately.  News channels were reporting the latest details that were being uncovered and revealing the rumored cause of death.

While although Houston’s death is tragic, one cannot help but ask if it is the most important or newsworthy issue currently in the media. When the news of a celebrity’s death hits, why does it garner so much of society’s attention? Who is to blame?

Our fascination with celebrities extends as far back as anyone can remember. As time has progressed and technology has developed, the means of getting the most intimate details about our favorite celebrities has been made easier and the access we have to them is almost unlimited.

This access we have makes us feel as though we have a sort of connection to them despite not actually knowing them.  Thus, when a celebrity dies we feel as though we have lost a close friend.  We mourn with their families and friends. Society becomes completely affected.

A death is always heart-wrenching no matter whose it is.  That being said I find it odd that death of a well-known celebrity gains so much attention while other news get so little.

Just last week, a massive fire destroyed a Honduran prison; killing at least 350 people -yet CNN, along with numerous other news affiliates, consistently covered Houston’s death and funeral.

Do not get me wrong.  Houston’s death is a tragedy.  Music has suffered a major loss and she will no doubt be greatly missed.

However, I believe our priorities as a society are somewhat askew.  Although Houston’s death is news, there are much more pressing matters at hand.  Our attention should be focused on issues that affect us politically and economically rather than the loss of a talented singer.

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