1. Which do you prefer: Watching live soccer on campus or football on TV?

Chris Simmons: Sundays are stressful, seeing if the Ravens win, then seeing how many teams cover. But drunk chanting is always fun.

Ali Bart: I tend to shout weird things/obscenities, so sometimes it’s better when I’m not in public.

Joe Carretta: I prefer sports played with the hands, so I’m going to go with football. Plus, Fantasy Football fulfullls the gambling fix in my life.

2. Hottest Mirror staffer:

Chris Simmons: You are looking at him.

Ali Bart: Pizza and chocolate at 2 a.m. has been doing wonders for us all.

Joe Carretta: The kid with the gimp is pretty pimp, but this answer could change about halfway through the upcoming Mirror party.

3. Who would you rather have a drink with: Coach Rees or Coach Cooley?

Chris Simmons: I’ve always wondered what a British accent sounds like drunk.

Ali Bart: I think Cooley would be more of a challenge for me (5 ft.) to out-drink.

Joe Carretta: I am underage and condone the substance-free, healthy lifestlye, so I would have a cherry coke with Mr. Cooley.

4. Bigger upset: Notre Dame over UCLA or Stanford over USC?

Chris Simmons: At least the Stanford tree wasn’t drunk during the game this time. But, going to the Colosseum and winning is no easy feat.

Ali Bart: One point hurts more than 14. Stanford.

Joe Carretta: Whenever a Trojan breaks like their offensive line did on Saturday, I’d have to say it’s a very big problem.

5. Worst weekend: Phillies or Cubs?

Chris Simmons: Both were pretty bad, but from Joe’s picture, he’s not doing too well either.

Ali Bart: The Sox are in, the Yanks are out and the Pats won. I could not be happier.

Joe Carretta: I’m a Mets fan, so it’s football season in my mind.

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