ilisije« The Mirror: How is it being on a varsity sports team at Fairfield? What are some of its benefits?

« Erik Ilisije: Well, not many kids get to play a college sport so I feel kind of privileged to have this opportunity.

« TM: What is it like being in a locker room everyday with 20 guys?

« EI: It smells really bad and at times it is really gross, but at the same time it’s also really fun because of all the jokes. It actually builds team camaraderie.

« TM: What is the worst practical joke that has happened in the locker-room?

« EI: I don’t know if this is the worst prank but it is the most recent. We took a freshman’s cell phone and changed his girlfriend’s contact number to one of the guys on the team, so every time he got a text from her it was really a text from one of us.

« TM: If you could play or be like any pro soccer player who would it be?

« EI: David Beckham, because he is one of the best players on the field and he is a global icon off the field.

« TM: Can you recap what last year’s season was like for the Men’s Soccer team?

« EI: There were ups and downs in the beginning of the year but when the conference came along we pulled it together and started playing the best soccer of our season. We all felt a sense of accomplishment after we won the MAAC because that was one of our top goals for the season. Getting to the NCAA tournament was also a really important achievement for our program.

« TM: Is the team coming together like last year?

« EI: During the out of conference, we had some good games but we also had some tough games, but now that we are into our conference schedule things are coming together. The team is building a stronger connection on and off the field. A bond that I feel is stronger than last year.

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