The story of “Beauty and the Beast” is known for truly being a “tale as old as time.” The animated version made in 1991 remains one of the most popular Disney films, legendary for featuring both the...
“I’m pregnant.” These are two words that, taken together, strike a mix of absolute terror and complete awe in the hearts of those who hear them. In the case of the Lovings, these words were the start of...
The movie “The Edge of Seventeen” is centered around a loud, difficult and angsty teenage girl. However, if your best friend hooked up with your older brother, you would probably be angsty too; for...
Nicholas Sparks casts his romantic spell once again in the newest film adaptation of his novel, “The Longest Ride,” which came out in theaters on April 10. Spanning two generations and intertwining love...
The second installment of the Divergent series, “Insurgent,” came out in theaters this past weekend and picks up the storyline from where the first movie left off. It is even more action -packed than its...
Last November a new film called “The Theory of Everything” came to theaters among many glowing reviews. The film was later nominated for five Oscars, and Eddie Redmayne went on to win for best actor in a...