Nicholas Sparks casts his romantic spell once again in the newest film adaptation of his novel, “The Longest Ride,” which came out in theaters on April 10. Spanning two generations and intertwining love...
It’s a typical weekday morning, and university students are already waiting patiently in the long line at Einstein’s for their cup of coffee to help get them through their busy day of classes, club...
After countless long weeks of tough decisions and broken hearts, “The Bachelor” Chris Soules finally chose his soul mate Monday, March 9th on the season finale of the hit ABC series. Chris proposed to...
Anna Liffey's owner, Patrick Mansfield (right) With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, Irish pub Anna Liffey’s in downtown Fairfield, Conn. will be preparing for its busiest day of the year. ...
Dan Hilbert’s Acoustic Symphonies at the Fairfield University Bookstore: It is a chill, crisp Friday night in downtown Fairfield, Conn. You pass by the many trendy shops and bustling restaurants as you...
When you feel like having the best Italian food in Fairfield, Conn., one needs to find themselves at Pizzeria Molto. Meaning “a lot” or “many” in Italian, Molto is the hit restaurant located on Post...
Dan Hilbert’s Acoustic Symphonies at the Fairfield University Bookstore: It is a chill, crisp Friday night in downtown Fairfield, Conn. You pass by the many trendy shops and bustling restaurants as you...
Taylor Swift really shakes things up in her newest album, “1989,” with an 80s pop twist, something far different from her previous country twang. It is a drastic change from the old curly-haired,...