Coffee Shops And Cafes To Sit And Study

If there’s one thing I’ve dedicated my time to this semester, it would have to be finding the perfect coffee shop in the town of Fairfield to either grab a bite to eat or sit and get some work done. As...

Songs to Get You in the Study Mood

I have always made listening to music an essential part of my study and homework routine. I am sadly not one of those people who can listen to nothing at all and remain focused, especially now that most of the...

Magical Midterm Study Spots!

Unfortunately, with COVID-19 still spreading through our country, a majority of us have locked ourselves in our rooms for hours on end… myself included. However, as our workload begins to increase and...

Exam Study Tips

Pro tips to get you through the upcoming mad dash of school #ripsyllabusweek Cry in the hallway of your residence hall. This lets everyone know exactly what state of mind you’re in, maybe you’ll even...