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Punishment for being written up being reconsidered

Two points. A $75 fine. Ten hours of community service. Disciplinary probation, and a letter home to your parents. Many Fairfield students are familiar with what happens in the judicial office once they get written up, but what many don't know is that Director of Wellness and Prevention Jeanne DiMuzio is looking to change some of these all too familiar policies.
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RA applicants must choose housing before job selection

Applications, interviews and group meetings are not the only worries for aspiring resident assistants. They may also wonder whether they will enjoy the perks of upperclassmen housing. Rising juniors and seniors who applied to be RAs will not be notified if they received the job until after all housing lotteries for those grades.
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Guest policies make Fairfield students liable

Siena student T.J. Helly wasn't signed in as a visitor the last time he came to visit his best friend, Dennis Doyle '06, on Fairfield's campus. "I guess I know that I'm supposed to sign visitors in, but I never do. I don't know anyone who signs their visitors in," said Doyle.
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CAMPUS CRIME BEAT: Male harasses females in the library

Tuesday, March 2 9:20 a.m. - A person vandalized a tree at the townhouses by sawing the top half off. Wednesday, March 3 9:18 a.m. - A vehicle was reported vandalized at the Quick Center parking lot. Thursday, March 4 9:29 a.m. - The fire alarm panel in Regis was vandalized.