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Epidemic Strikes Fairfield

by Tara Touloumis It strikes without warning. You'll be sitting at your computer, attempting to write a paper, and suddenly it will overcome you. Once it hits, there's no escaping its merciless wrath. It also tends to attacks before major assignments, job hunts, club meetings, or any legitimate task of responsibility requiring concentration or sobriety.
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Letter to the Editor:Nickeled and dimed here at Fairfield

Letters to the Editor represent the opinions of the writer and not those of the Mirror To The Editor: Why do townhouse residents at Fairfield seem to get the short end of the deal when it comes to living arrangements? I pay a total of around $4,500 for room and board to live with 4 other people for one semester not including utilities which I have calculated about $100-200 per person.
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Editorial: Drugs at Fairfield: Are they a problem?

It is not every day that student residences are raided by law enforcement agencies and students are arrested on charges of drug dealing. In this week's article about drugs on campus, Dean of Students Mark Reed called the recent arrests "troubling." When such extraordinary events take place on campus, it gives everyone an opportunity to take pause and reflect on the issue.
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I’m a junior; give me a peephole

In three short weeks I will be completing my junior year here at Fairfield University and my tenure as an on-campus student. In three weeks I'll not only be leaving Fairfield to return home, but I'll also be leaving my lovely suite in Claver Hall. Needless to say I was slightly bitter last September when my friends were moving into their beach houses and townhouses and I was moving into yet another dorm.
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She Said “No more double standards”

The boys at the Traffic Barron are missing one thing... Eric Walker. The two of us have stepped up to the challenge of making people laugh each week and we have done a damn good job. There is a reason why you get chosen for this column and what it comes down to is that Eric and I have no shame.
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He Said: “No more double standards”

Danielle and I write this column for fun and we most certainly don't get paid to do it. We write because we actually enjoy it, so the primary purpose of our column is to make people laugh. In order to make people laugh, we shy away from important issues such as the war or gay marriage.
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Raise a pint for Ray Kelly’s

The best part of Ray Kelly's is the bar's namesake, Mr. Raymond J. Kelly himself. Nothing is worse than a fake Irish bar. A lot of bars just try to excuse their terrible décor and filthy atmosphere by sticking some paper shamrocks on the walls and claim to be a pub.
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At Fairfield, a holocaust survivor remembers

A remembrance service took place Monday night in the Egan Chapel to honor the 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. The event was sponsored by the Carl and Dorothy Bennett Center for Judaic Studies, Campus Ministry and Kadima. During Holocaust Memorial Week, we remember the lost men, women and children and acknowledge crimes against humanity are still committed today.
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Deep Fryed:F.U.’s Preview Day a boon for The Mirror

I walked into the campus center on Monday, and something I saw there shocked me. I strolled into the lower level, and I noticed that every single Mirror that had been on the newspaper stand there last Thursday had vanished! The only thing was left to say was "Wow! I had no idea prospective students and their parents or guardians would love The Mirror so much!" As you may or may not know, last Saturday was "Preview Day" (or whatever they call it, I'm not sure and I'm too lazy to check) here at Fairfield.