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She said: Beach bums and belles

When Mr. Kenney suggested this week's topic of on-campus vs. off-campus, I realized that I would have to be fair and address both sides of the issue. I will be the first person to admit that beach life is the...
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He Said: Beach bums and belles

This column spawned as a reaction to the allegations of anyone who truly believes that 'He Said is Dead.' I initially found this odd considering women usually have a problem with this column. Thus by Aristotle's logic, this would make you all women.

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News Briefs 10/2/08

Fairfield Dean of Business School participating in NYC Marathon As part of the Team for Kids, an international community of runners, Norm Solomon, dean of the Dolan School of Business, will be running in the...
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A bittersweet victory

Sometimes in life, something happens that puts everything else in perspective. For the men's soccer team that something came on Saturday.

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Crime Beat 10/2/08

Tuesday, Sept. 23 ' ' ' 10:02 p.m. Vandalism was reported to an exterior door in Regis Hall. Friday, Sept. 26 ' ' ' 8:13 a.m. A person was reported missing. Fortunately, the individual was located later...
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Alcohol paraphernalia now allowed on campus

Last year, alcohol paraphernalia, especially shot glasses with alcohol residue, were confiscated under University policy. This year, residential assistants have been instructed to follow a different policy,...
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This week in Senate:

This week in Senate:' ' * FUSA's newly formed Transportation Committee will meet with faculty this week to gain a more 'campus-wide opinion' about what needs to be done to improve the current system.' The...
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Electronic books save students money

For a college student anxiously awaiting winter break, there is nothing more frustrating than standing in a two-hour line in the bookstore to receive a $5 reimbursement on a textbook that cost hundreds. Yet...
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Local legend passes away:

Paul Newman may not have been a Jesuit, but he acted like one. The Academy Award-winning actor, who passed away on Sept. 26 after a long battle with cancer, is now known more for his philanthropy than his...