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The Right Bite: The Pantry

This Gourmet Grocery Store gets overlooked by Firehouse Deli and The Chef’s Table because of its location, but if you’re looking for a tasty, fresh lunch, this is the place to go.
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The Best Songs for our Party Playlist

“Hey man put that song on again, it is a good one to drink to.” As ‘Let’s Get F***** Up’ begins to play on the speakers, I raise my shot glass and take down another shot. The music continues and...
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Staying ‘Up Til Dawn’

For the fifth consecutive year, Fairfield students participating in the "Up Til Dawn" event will write letters in hopes of raising donations for cancer and disease stricken children at St. Jude's Children's Hospital.
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He Said: What Not to Wear

Guys, collars were meant to be down and even though The T-shirt guy’s elegantly written article from a few years back promotes it to be fashionable, I have never seen a guy pull it off, just like a chick would never pull it off you.