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The Best Rapper You’ve Never Heard of

Childish Gambino may be the best rapper that you haven’t heard of, but you won’t be able to hide from him forever, as his studio debut, entitled “Camp,” is blowing up right now. From a man who seems...
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Tips for Holiday Shopping

The best thing in the world is seeing friends and family members opening their gifts on Christmas morning. One of the worst things in the world is being afraid that bills will not get paid because of the...
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“Young and Chic” with Lyndsey Sciba

A sophomore at Fairfield University, Lyndsey has always had a passion for fashion. Her everyday style is unique and always inspiring. In her up-and-coming blog she expresses her love for everything...

Reaching for the African Sky

A Fairfield professor raises money for his nonprofit charity, African Sky, and keeps alive a close and strong attachment to the people and places of Africa
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Answer Us!

With a 4.3 million dollar budget deficit, there are bound to be questions as to how our money is being spent. But don't expect any answers any time soon. With layoffs at the Quick Center, a brand new...
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Her Blackberry – Finals Fever

Thanksgiving break was only a tease for the winter break that is to come. And with five additional pounds sitting in my stomach, only one thing separates me from going home and gaining more weight from eating...
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His iPhone – Finals Fever

Emerging from the post-Thanksgiving lethargic coma that I have been hibernating in the past few days, I find myself suddenly facing the onslaught that is the last 15+ days of school.  It’s times like these...
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Q&A with Malkovich

How many times have people watched “Inside the Actors Studio” and thought, “Wow, I would love to sit in on an interview with that amazing actor?" Well, Fairfield was treated to its very own, and much...