Falling short at the highest levels

What does it mean to be a victim today? In the news outside of our quiet campus bubble, institutions traditionally associated with honor, integrity and respect have been losing legs to stand on. Last...

Playing God?

In the recent decades, we have seen medical technologies advance at an exponential rate. These advances will benefit a lot of people. But is it our place to possess these powerful tools? If someone said...

New Pope Reactions

The first Jesuit and South American pope, Pope Francis, formerly Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, of Buenos Aires, Argentina, has been chosen as Benedict XVI's successor. "Thank you for your warm...
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Community Pride Week anyone?

The week of March 4 – March 8 hosted the Fairfield’s annual Community Pride Week with a low participation rate amongst the student body. Run by Inter-Residential Housing Association, Community Pride...
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Spring Break Recap

While some students spent their Spring Break partying in South Beach, Cancun and other destinations, Laura Johnson ‘14 and Stephanie Hill ‘13 experienced something different: Campus Ministry’s...
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Her Cocktail, His Beer

Her Cocktail - by Molly Leidig I am sick and tired of guys today complaining about being “friendzoned.” Guys automatically assume that because you split a Stag pizza with them and spill all your latest...
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Prop 8 – The Gay Perspective

If you don’t know what Prop 8 is, you should. Proposition 8 is a bill that has been under attack for a few years now because it prohibits marriage between two people of the same sex. The bill was passed in...

Pope Francis, successor of Benedict XVI

Photo from Creative Commons Summary points: The election of Pope Francis was made a day after the conclave began. Most conclaves in the past lasted three days or more. Pope Francis is 76 years old....