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Her Cocktail, Her Beer

I’ll have a Blue Moon, please. If your freshman year wasn’t filled with Dominos, tons of embarrassing stories, some regrets and a million memories, clearly you were doing something wrong.
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Crime Beat October 15-22

Tuesday, 8/15 9:11 p.m. - A parking lot gate near Dolan Hall was reported vandalized. Wednesday, 8/16 11:48 a.m. - A student reported that their laundry was stolen from the Townhouses 2 block laundry room. The stolen clothes were valued at $1,000.
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Ask Miss Molly

Dear Miss Molly, I’m a freshman girl and I really like Fairfield so far but there are a few upperclassman guys who “creep” on me like they’re animals and I’m their prey. It makes me feel super uncomfortable … I’m not interested in their advances but I don’t want to be mean about it, what should I do?