Olympic problems are no laughing matter

As the Olympics heat up, an interesting trend is emerging on social media by the name of Sochi Problems, a Twitter handle that reposts tweets from disgruntled journalists staying in Sochi. Among the tweets are photos of toilets side-by-side (no barrier between them), pictures of missing furniture, odd mistranslations and T-shirts capitalizing on the infamous missing Olympic ring, a mishap from the Opening Ceremony last Friday.

Rowling regrets Ron/Hermione romance

As a longtime Harry Potter fan, J.K. Rowling’s announcement that she believes that Harry and Hermione should have ended up together shocked me. I was rooting for Hermione and Ron to get together ever since their fiasco at the Yule Ball; it was when Ron realized that he liked Hermione, but needed to treat her right.
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Distressed have many options

The tragic story of University of Pennsylvania freshman Madison Holleran’s recent suicide made national news, sparking conversations about how such horrific events can be prevented.

Road to recovery starts at home

Timmy sat down with Lisa a few years ago and spoke about his desires for a recovery program for alcoholics and drug addicts. He looked at Lisa and said, “If you build it, they will come.” And they did.
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Meet your 2014 FUSA presidential candidates

With each day of the spring 2014 semester, Fairfield University Student Association President Alex Long’s ‘14 term begins to wind down. Students will once again see posters and events held by possible successors throughout the Barone Campus Center and around campus.
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Crime Beat February 4-10

Tuesday, 2/4 12:10 p.m. - Two students were caught by DPS smoking marijuana in a vehicle in the Fairfield Prep parking lot. Fairfield Police arrested the students and gave them a summons to court.