Everyone has heard the story of Cinderella a billion times before but very few have seen it in the form of a ballet. This Friday, Fairfield students and the local community will have the opportunity to see Moscow Festival Ballet’s production of Sergei Prokofiev’s classic ballet “Cinderella” at the Quick Center.

Sergei Radchenko with the late Maris Liepa started Moscow Festival Ballet in 1989. Ranchenko works as the company’s artistic director. The founding of the company represented an expression of freedom that did not previously exist in the Soviet Union. Radchenko is known for his work as a principle dancer in the Bolshoi Ballet for 25 years and now serves as the artistic director for the company. The 60-member company is comprised of some of the best dancers from Russia.

Moscow Festival is famous for the production of classical pieces such as “Romeo and Juliet” and “Sleeping Beauty.” The company has performed around the world and has also graced other college campuses. This will be the second time the ballet has performed at Fairfield, the first being the production of “Giselle” in 2004.

“Cinderella” has already received rave reviews. The ABQ Journal called it “a dreamlike ballet, a true fairy tale” told in beautiful, Russian classic movement.

The Batt, Texas A’M’s independent paper, said, “The splendor and elegance of the performances makes one wonder when classical ballet fell by the wayside and Britney Spears’s bumpin’ and grindin’ became the thing to see.”

The campus performance of “Cinderella” will be followed by a question and answer session with company members.

To read full reviews of the Moscow Festival Ballet’s “Cinderella,” visit the Fairfield Mirror.com.

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