Everyone asks before entering college: what is my roommate going to be like? As we enter the halfway mark of the semester, we begin to form the answer.
With all the great technology we have today, you are able to get to know your new buddy or possible worst enemy before you even meet them. Therefore, the process of wondering if you’ll be living with someone like you or a person similar to Kyle in “Road Trip,” who just sits in the room playing Dungeons and Dragons, can end rapidly. You could have the greatest roommate in the world or a complete dud.
Whether they are good or bad, there are always problems that arise.
The first is being sexiled. It really sucks after a long night of boozing to come back to your room and have your roommate ask you to leave for about an hour because he’s about to get with a chick.
Honestly, though, there’s nothing worst than having a 19-year-old drunk kid stumbling around at three in the morning, trying to break into other rooms to find a place to crash. There’s nothing more awkward than waking up on your neighbor’s couch, whom you barely know.
The second problem that can come up is the possibility that your roommate is always there. Sometimes it’s great just chilling out by yourself, playing some video games or watching the tube without being bugged to turn down the volume because he needs to study for a midterm tomorrow. Of course, I’ll turn it down, because you are too lazy to make the 10 minute walk to the library.
Guys, we all have needs – don’t fool yourself by saying you don’t. It sucks satisfying those needs based on your roommate’s schedule, but it could not be worse if he doesn’t follow the schedule and catches you mid-activity in the top bunk.
The last problem is his cleanliness. As guys we are known for many things, and being dirty is on top of the list. Trust me, just check out my living room after the weekend, it usually looks like an atomic bomb went off. But this is Fairfield, the home of the richy riches, and even if there are many typical guys here, there are also a lot of pretty boys like those in a Vineyard Vines catalog. Most roommate disputes are arguments over one roommate being a slob. Mr. Clean and Pig Pen usually don’t work even together.
So whether or not you get a roommate who becomes one of your boys or not, just remember they are kind of like family; you can’t choose them for the most part, so just suck it up, it’s only for one year.
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