Men of Fairfield University, here’s a scenario. You meet a girl at a party, make out with her, and get her number. You wake up the next morning and recall that you hooked up the night before, and after confirming with your friends that she wasn’t a pig, you decide to wait a few days and call her back.

If all goes to plan, you meet up with her at a party, pretend like you are interested in what she’s saying, and take her back to your room before you drink too much to function. Since the two of you have already hooked up, it’s easy enough to make a move. After two minutes of kissing, you decide to get bold and go for her pants. She quickly knocks your hand away but since she obviously doesn’t understand, you try one more time only to get the same result. To make her happy, you resume kissing for an additional two minutes until it’s time to pass out.

A girl at Fairfield University whose pants you can’t get in after two tries is pretty respectable; girlfriend material maybe. If you see her a few more times with no favorable results, you might even start to like her because she obviously doesn’t give it up to just anybody. After three or more hookups and no sex you are left with two options.

Option one is to stop calling her and aim for a girl that puts out. If serious play is the only thing you’re after, get out of there . It’s the shallow thing to do, but you’ll save time, money, and sexual frustration.

Option two is to start dating her, because there’s more to a college relationship than sex, right? Some guys want a girl that doesn’t have much if any experience at all, even if these girls are willing to go no further than pages one and two in the Karma Sutra.

If you choose option two, God bless, you’re in for a long dry spell. She wants to see how committed you are before taking the next step. She is not going to fall for lines like “Hey, did you know it’s my birthday?” or, “I’ve been waiting for the right girl and I think you’re it.”

None of that Don Juan crap is going to work on her, so prove yourself with your actions. Treat her with respect, because that’s what she deserves. Most importantly, don’t cheat. Cheaters have a special spot in hell reserved for them next to kiddie-touchers and collection agents.

If you feel like you still need some sexual release, don’t fret too much. Porn and hand lotion were invented for relationships like these. Take care of yourself and then go back to thinking how rewarding it will be when the two of you finally go at it. During the time that you are celibate you might even get the chance to learn about and respect this girl, which is important for a relationship. One more bright side: you’re gonna develop one impressive set of forearms.

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