More often than not, you find things when you’re least expecting them. Finding the right girl is no exception from this rule.
A wise man once said, “true love is your soul’s recognition of its counterpoint in another.” There aren’t many people who can honestly say that they have reached this realization in their four years of college, but those who have can be described as nothing short of the luckiest people on earth.
You may notice someone at a townhouse party, at the beach or at some crazy lecture that you were forced to attend because of a class. You want to talk, but you can’t really form any words because of scattered thoughts running through your head.
Guys are obviously the more laid-back, less-emotional gender. Think about how often you see a guy legitimately depressed over something unrelated to the score of his favorite team’s big game that day. Doesn’t happen too often, does it? Girls on the other hand will drop a tear at the mere mentioning of the movie “The Notebook.”
For me, I prefer a girl with light brown hair and nice dark eyes. Anyone who says looks don’t matter is flat out lying. I’m sorry to any idealists, but you don’t start talking to someone if you think he or she is not good-looking; that’s just not the way it works. Before you discover a person on the inside, there needs to be some kind of physical, outer attraction.
Now the big question is what kind of girl do most guys look for? Unlike our opposing gender, guys are really not too complicated and would rather not pick apart a girl’s characteristics.
We like a girl who:
1. Is easy to talk to. Nothing is worse than sitting on the phone during nightly calls and hearing those long, awkward silent pauses. If we put off something to call you, we do so with the actual purpose of speaking to you.
2. Doesn’t mind letting us go out for a night of drinking with the guys. Guys need guy time. It’s bros before hoes, no matter how much we love you.
3. Doesn’t take offense when we choose to play a video game before we run to her room and help her pick out a shirt to wear that night. Video games are fun, no matter how old we are.
4. Doesn’t require us to attach an electronic tracking device to the seam of our pants every second we’re out of her sight.
5. Likes to go to a party on our arm, but would be just as happy spending the night doing absolutely nothing but lying in your arms.
Neither guys nor girls are perfect; there aren’t many things that are (though March Madness and beer are pretty close). Finding a true partner, however, has nothing to do with being perfect, even Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown seemed pretty happy for a while. For guys and girls alike, someone, somewhere will give you a feeling inside that no one else has given you before. Once that happens, you’ll learn what the qualities are of a perfect girl.
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