To launch the new year, 20 Questions went out on the road to the Activities Fair, where we talked with a number of organization’s leaders. Of course – we didn’t give them a lot of time to talk – space is money. Here are some of the responses we got:
Dave Hanna of Video Game Club In 15 words or less, what is your organizations’s purpose? Just have a good time, get a lot of people together and have fun. Have you been able to successfully play a video game and cut yourself off in less than, say, six hours? Yes. How often is that? Whenever I have homework.
Gwen McLaughlin of Student Environmental Association 15 words or less: We’re involved in improving environmental awareness at Fairfield through activity and discussion. Do you allow “trash talk” at your meetings? Yes, we do. How bad does it get? It gets brutal.
Emily McAdam of College Republicans 15 words or less: Our mission is to elect republican leaders to office by registering voters and providing volunteers. Tell me the truth: have you tried to sabotage the College Democrats’ efforts on campus? Definitely not. I’m glad we have the College Democrats on campus. I think two parties are a good system. Now, are you saying this just because they’re sitting next to you? No.
Kerry Rose of College Democrats 15 words or less: Our mission is to have fun and further the ideals of the Democratic Party. Since we’re away from the College Republicans table, have you done anything to sabotage them like try to start an impeachment against George W. Bush? I could only wish.
Aaron Baker of Kadima 15 words or less: Our mission is to educate the general campus on Jewish life and culture. Is it difficult to do something like that on a Jesuit school? Yeah, it really is. A lot of people at the Activities Fair won’t really look at us. But, we actually got a good amount of registration at our Hanukkah party – a good amount of campus involvement. The campus is receptive once you give them food. Eileen Arnold of Debate Club 15 words or less: Our mission? In 15 minutes or less? Did I say 15 minutes? I meant words. We’re the debate team – we don’t do anything in 15 words or less. Except for that. You told me before we started that you do this for free. Is it because you like to argue? What’s the draw? The draw IS arguing. To do it and getting to to Africa and Croatia just to argue? That’s the reason to go.
Jess Cataldo and Geena Crimaldi of IRHG 15 words or less: Planning fun activities for the residence halls. We know where you live… That’s almost as frightening as your slogan last year… (shrieks) …which was “We do it in the halls.” How did you guys get away with that? Isn’t there some RA somewhere that’s against that? Yeah, we weren’t in charge of that slogan last year, but it was vague enough that you could do anything in the halls. It was simply innuendo. Oh, now you’re pulling my leg here. Yes.
Mike Cat of Surf Club 15 words or less: If it swells, ride it. How literal is that? The only thing I can think of that swells up around here is the egos of some professors. So, how literal? Any swell that hits the East coast, we’re on it.
Nick Mercadante of WVOF 15 words or less: To rally around the family with a pocket full of shells. What percentage of the WVOF staff is made up of people who heeded the advice of their friends when they said, “You have a face for radio?” 100%. That’s what I thought.
Nehemiah Ellison of Board Game Club 15 words or less: Our organization’s mission is to play board games. What board game is too geeky for the Board Game Club? The Hello Kitty board game. How about Chicken Soup for the Soul – The Board Game? No. That’s acceptable. Really? I pity you.
Marty Mortimer and Larissa Cranston of Fairfield U. Alliance 15 words or less: To promote understanding and togetherness between gay, lesbian, transgender and straight people. Here on your table there’s a sign that says “Free Cookies – They’re NOT poisonous!” If they’re not poisoned, what are they, because I’m a little nervous. They’re delicious. Really? Are they chocolate chip? And peanut butter! I’ll even eat one if you’re worried. Let’s see that. (eats cookie) I’ll come back in a half hour to see if you’re still OK. (A half hour later, Marty was still there, but he said he was having a little trouble breathing.)
Marta Matselioukh of Circle K 15 words or less: Our mission is to serve the Fairfield University community. Is there any significance to Kiwanis, like a brand name of cereal? I don’t know the background of the name Kiwanis. But they always provide us support. What about Circle K? It’s not a convenience store in New Jersey! It’s a student organization at Fairfield University.
Dave Grazynski of Recording Club 15 words or less: To provide Fairfield University students with good music and to teach them audio recording. Other than the annoying screaming fans who just won’t shut up, what’s the most difficult part of recording a concert? The problem that we had with – it’s basically technical stuff. It’s like Murphy Law. Something’s bound to go wrong. The hardest thing is to get everything coordinated. So Murphy’s Law is the worst thing. Yeah, I hate Murphy. That’s my life story.
…and we can’t forget… Keith Whamond of The Mirror 15 words or less: The Athena Diner in Westport. Who’s sexier: Ethan Fry or Ethan Hawke? Ethan Hawke.
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