The Off-Campus Boarder lottery released 400 students from campus last week, 50 students less than in previous years, according to Sen. Mike Meehan ’08.

This year, the University is adhering to a rule that only four students may be released as a group to live off-campus, despite not having held to the rule in previous years.

“Why would we have groups of four students, when we know some older houses have been grandfathered in and accommodate five students?” Meehan challenged in the weekly Sunday night meeting.

Sen. Chris Steele’08 suggested that the reason the school caps it off at four people might be because students have been exceeding maximum occupancy limits in beach houses.

The Senate agreed to ask for a presentation from Vice President for Student Affairs Mark Reed to whom they sent a letter in reference to the stalled townhouse plans.

Because of the school’s relationship with the town of Fairfield, both parties consented to a gentleman’s agreement of 400 students to be released. But this is the first year the office of Residence Life has vowed to stick to it.

“If they [the administration] should stand behind someone they should stand behind the school,” said Meehan.

In other issues, Sen. Jacqueline Breen ’11 said that there has not been someone at the soccer games to record FYE credit.

Senator Steele brought up a concern about the commuter lounge, describing it as a “five-by-five box that has tables and a refrigerator.”

Senate Chairman Tim Rich ’08 said the issue will be looked into.

Sen. Emily Arouth ’08 questioned Public Safety officer Duane Corey in reference to a Dodge Charger being used by Public Safety this week on campus.

“The Charger has caused a lot of curiosity,” said Corey. “We have a deal with the manufacturer and can try it out, since many cities like Fairfield and Bridgeport have bought some.”

Corey said that Public Safety is looking into such features as cost effectiveness and ability to perform in inclement weather.

In a presentation from the executive branch of FUSA, Director of Programming Christina Pires ’08 and Director of Finance Tim Dee ’08 announced that the biggest expenses for the Presidential Ball included the tent, sound and food. FUSA received $40,000 in support from the president’s office. They collected $10,000 in ticket sales.

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