To the Editor:
On the third to last weekend of scheduled operation, specifically Saturday April 13th, an unforeseen event took place in The Levee. The event took place after I left for the day after letting the bartender in to set up, while the individual was alone, before the second shift came in. In an email to the staff I wrote, “A staff member has jeopardized the operation by violating Fairfield University and Connecticut State alcoholic regulation, policy, and code.” The details of the situation are simply far too menial, far beyond the scope of this letter and are not the issue here. The intent of this letter is to inform the student body stakeholders in The Levee.
Without hesitation the administration temporarily closed The Levee so the issue could be divulged and dissected. The administration acted this way on their own behalf because they take alcohol very seriously, as we all know this is a paramount issue. After the administration fully investigates and goes over the situation the staff is regrouped and retrained. Unfortunately with this process generally taking some time it appeared The Levee was simply shut down. I affirm to you that that is not the case. It just so happens that The Levee was only open for two more weeks. The same protocol would be used if this situation took place in the beginning or the middle of the year. Do know that The Levee has officially been put back on full detail, as The Levee was open for Spam Jam. Spam Jam was the original last scheduled date of standard operation. Seniors do know that The Levee will hold the scheduled Senior Week events (Tuesday May 14’s Pub Night and Sunday May 19’s Senior Farewell). Others do know that The Levee will be open for student patronage as normal next year.
In making this decision the University once again based the decision on the safety of you, the student, and if you do not believe me you will when you help your son or daughter pick what is a good college for them to go to.
This lesson that we have learned, like the one two months and a day before it, shows that one individual can affect many. Learning and moving forward are essential and thankfully we were able to do so without anyone getting hurt in this situation also.
I would like to close with thanking Matt Dinnan, Associate Dean of Students and Levee Permittee, Chris Biello, Graduate Assistant, and The Levee bartending staff. I wish the returning bartenders and all those who might join the staff for next year the best of luck in continuing to develop The Levee as a more popular place to be.
Jerry J. Aversano ’02 University Pub Levee Manager
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