On Tuesday night, even as late as 10:45 p.m., the BCC lower level bustled with activity as students waited in anticipation for an announcement that would determine the fate of nearly 3,400 undergraduate students.

Two sophomores in suits, Jeff Seiser ’10 and Spencer Thibodeau ’10, stood still within five feet of each other, waiting to hear who would be named FUSA president.

Seiser edged Thibodeau 615 to 432, a turnaround from a primary in which Thibodeau edged the two-term incumbent 2010 class council president 362 votes to 236 votes. The election brought back faith that the student body cares, racking in 1,047 votes for president.

“I understand the potential that this job brings with it,” said Seiser. “I am aware of the responsibility that comes with the position and feel I am the right man for that job.”

Seiser said that the difference between the primary and the general elections was that he got out to the students more. Seiser said Thibodeau may have had a whole campaign team, but he was able to get his residents in Campion Hall and more of his sophomore friends to come out and vote for him this time around.

“When I campaigned, I talked about issues students cared about, and from person-to-person, the issue students cared about most was the OCB lottery and housing,” he said. “I think the hardest part about approaching the administration with this [issue] is they have to treat us like adults, and sometimes they treat us like high schoolers.”

Seiser accomplished the task of winning his own class by 11 votes, which he lost in the primary. The 451 sophomore votes were the most cast by any class in the election.

Incumbent FUSA President Hutch Williams ’08 said, “I am very excited for Jeff because he is a hard worker and he has given 110 percent as class council president and will continue to do so as FUSA president.”

Williams drew a comparison to Seiser, who has controlled the class council for two years, in addition to being an RA his sophomore year.

“I think our leadership styles differ as I stay in contact with my constituency through my personality, where has Jeff has done a great job in using technology to get the views of his class,” said the departing Williams, who also complimented Thibodeau on a hard fought campaign.

A tired Thibodeau said, “Jeff Seiser is a hell of a campaigner, and I don’t have any regrets about the way we ran our campaign; we just came up a little short.”

Seiser will be joined at the top of the FUSA administration by Emily Dragone ’09, who defeated Jordan Hummel ’10, 628 votes to 395. Dragone, the current FUSA secretary of student life, ran as an independent, while Hummel was Thibodeau’s running mate.

“I was a little surprised by the margin, but I think it showed that people valued my experience,” said Dragone, who said she is looking forward to the first step: FUSA’s leadership retreat to Camp Jewel.

“We are going to start training our elected representatives on the issues,” she said. “The biggest issue right now is student housing and the OCB lottery, and student input on that issue needs to be increased.”

Hummel said she didn’t know what was next, between continuing FUSA, joining IRHA and going back to being a student.

She said that her next move after a tiring campaign will be relaxing during Spring Break.

With two-year incumbent Williams leaving his command post, FUSA will see a drastic overall shift. Senate Chair Tim Rich ’08, FUSA Secretary of the Treasury Tim Dee ’08 and FUSA Program Director Cristina Pires ’08, are among many who will be leaving a two-year legacy on their positions.

FUSA Secretary of Communications and president-elect of the 2010 class council Brendan Monahan ’10 said, “I think from a FUSA perspective this was a great election because you have half the winners return and half the winners in a position for a first time.”


As Monahan fills the position left vacant by Seiser, an unopposed Kyle Duggan ’11 will return as the class council president of 2011, in which he received the support of 335 voting freshmen. Incumbent Oliva Rubin ’09 obtained 81 votes, which was enough to push her ahead of Mary Helen Sullivan ’09 and Courtney McCord ’09, to return as class council president for the class of 2009.

Monahan will be joined by his vice presidential candidate Justin Smith, who edged Megan McLaughlin in the closest margin on the ballot: 210 to 200.

“I’m excited to work with Jeff,” said Smith. “He has got a lot of good ideas that I have been excited to work on for some time.” Smith leaves the Senate seat that he has held for two years.

Justin Lucas ’10 is among those who will be taking over for the first time in the 45th FUSA Senate. Lucas obtained the second-highest number of votes in his class, behind Nazar Kamenchenko, with 329 votes.

“People have been coming up to me complaining that they, as students, were not informed,” said Lucas. “That is when I realized that I wanted to be the one to let my friends know what is going on.”

Lucas said that a year ago he could not see himself in a leadership role, but now he finds his chance, along with many others, to get involved.

With FUSA expanding its involvement within the school community and attracting more participants, it is no question that this election proves the winner’s campaign slogan, “Seiser Matters.”

Complete class council election results

2009 Class Council President Olivia Rubin: 81 Mary Helen Sullivan: 57 Courtney McCord: 40

2009 Class Vice President Liz Grimm: 78 Jennifer Amdur: 52 Brad Royer: 48

2009 Class Treasurer Nicole Barone: 121

2009 Senate Mary Crowley: 121 Allison Dailey: 113 Tara Werner: 106 Samantha Bousri: 104 Steve Liguori: 9 Denis Walsh: 7 Joe Weldon: 5 Amanda Klecker: 4 Pat O’Gara: 3 Steve Waite: 2

2010 Class Council President Brendan Monahan: 227 Caroline Scherbarth: 206

2010 Class Vice President Justin Smith: 210 Megan McLaughlin: 200 Marisa Taylor: 26

2010 Class Treasurer Caitlin Chipman: 373

2010 Senate Nazar Kamenchenko: 341 Justin Lucas: 329 Alison MacNeill: 305 Frank Fioretti: 292 Frank Spizzoucco: 280 Kelly Young: 279 Kevin Curtis: 274 Michael Bennett: 247 Kelsey Schroeder: 240 Jessica Pierce: 228

2011 Class Council President Kyle Duggan: 335

2011 Class Vice President Brendan Sargent: 154 Josie Amendola: 101 Brian Bell: 62 Ilea Moyer: 43

2011 Class Treasurer Meaghan O’Connor: 195 Chrissy Perez: 153

2011 Class Senate Joe Mercadante: 244 John Tiene: 219 Lauren Johnson: 210 Gretta Schwamb: 205 Maura Noone: 203 Brittany Fusillo: 202 Lauren Nugent: 188 Edwin Muniz: 184 Janelle Cecco: 173 Jacqueline Breen: 167

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