As February approaches, we find ourselves either looking to continue hooking up with that special someone, or finding a way out of a dead end relationship. When it comes to ending these ‘gray area’ hook-ups, does the way you are affected by this complicated, passionate and sometimes agonizing display of affection depend on whether you are a male or female? You better believe it.

The irrational behavior that has been occurring lately may have a lot to do with being a second semester senior. Because guys mature much later in life than girls, it is obvious why some relationships that have been progressing all year are now coming to an abrupt end. What are you trying to pull boys? Do you think that only having four months left of being able to booze seven nights a week gives you the right to end relationships and then flirt with other girls at the bar in front of us? What are we, chopped liver? This is why girls sometimes wish they were guys. It’s like guys have an emotional switch that can be turned off in an instant, while girls become absolute train wrecks if one tiny thing in life goes wrong.

When girls finally do decide to get out of bed, put down the Smirnoff bottle and make it out to the bars, we do the only thing we know how to in times of devastation – drink uncontrollably until we have no feelings left. This usually results in terrifying dance moves and no one wanting anything to do with you. Even your friends become too embarrassed to be seen around you. Drinking this much only means that you are not a functioning human being and it’s time to spend the rest of the night sitting in the corner by yourself ‘- the only person who will be approaching you in such a state will be the bouncer to tell you it’s last call.
Maybe some girls wish they could switch off their emotions like guys do. But, I think friends, cocktails and embarrassing dance moves sound like a much better option.

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