I don’t usually rant. Normally, I’m a happy, easy-going girl. But let me just start off by saying, I hate 2008. The only thing that this new year has brought with it so far, aside from sub-zero temperatures, flooded bathrooms, and frozen pipes, is a severe reality check.

Seniors, we are adults, and I’m pretty sure that most of us are realizing it now. We have to pay bills, call plumbers and, eventually, get real-life jobs. We’re graduating (well, some of us are).

Underclassmen, you can laugh now, but it’s only a matter of time before you’re in our shoes, sopping up the water from your beach house bathroom floor and dreading the graduation countdown just like we are.

But let’s go back for a minute. Sure, I’m sad about stepping outside of the Fairfield Bubble in May, but if there’s one thing I hate more than the idea of leaving this place in a couple of months, it’s New Years Eve and every ritual surrounding it. You might say that this “holiday” is an excuse to get dressed up, kiss a boy at midnight and drink way too much. I say, why do I have to buy a new outfit, pay an absurd amount of money to go to a crowded club with a bunch of strangers, and then not even remember most of it the next day?

And don’t even get me started on New Year’s Resolutions. You know you’ll fall off the wagon/start eating carbs/buy a pack of cigs by February, so why even bother? I think that every person at Fairfield resolves to “get in shape.” It’s a nice idea in theory, but the absolute worst thing ever is arriving at the RecPlex only to have to wait in a 20-minute line for the next available treadmill. Seriously, I haven’t seen most of you people at the gym all year. Give it up and go home – I think there are some leftover Christmas cookies in your dorm room. This year, I resolve never to make a New Year’s Resolution again.

Actually, I take that back. There are only 115 days until I’m back home, living with my parents, sharing a room with my 15-year-old sister, and waiting in line to use the shower instead of the treadmill. So, I resolve to treat each day of this semester like it’s the last one. I’ll drink to that resolution – see you guys at The Grape.

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