Deem it Single’s Awareness Day, Hallmark Scam Day, “I’m in such a deep, meaningful relationship with my Fairfield Boyfriend Day.” Whatever the title, Valentine’s Day has perpetually marked a division between the Have and Have Nots on Fairfield campus.

In an unofficial survey (my six roommates polled at random), the general consensus on Valentine’s Day was summed up as having equal appeal to watching “Rambo”…yeah, we’ll watch it but we don’t enjoy it and are glad it only shows up on TV once a year.

Perhaps the root of these sentiments lies somewhere in the memories of yesteryear when Valentine giving in elementary school was a mandatory participatory event. I inevitably spent far too long deciding which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Valentine to send to the cute boy in class, only to watch him not smile at my “Radical Cowabunga Be Mine” request and throw it out before going home. Then, of course, there were the plastic earrings or macaroni picture frames from secret admirers that always brought giggles from my desk neighbors and perpetual embarrassment for me on Feb. 14. At 21 years of age I have still not mastered the Valentine giving/receiving ritual, but here is my advice for surviving the holiday at Fairfield.

If you have a Valentine: Don’t worry about the gift to give so much as how you are going to spend time with your significant other. Just take us out- at least St. Valentine has ensured us one real date a year- and make us laugh and feel special and then repeat 365 times until next year.

If you have no Valentine other than your mom who still sends a card (thanks mom, you always did say “I heart you” best): Do not go to Barone on Monday. Everyone with a significant other will be out doing fun couple events while you find yourself sitting in an empty caf with other lonely people eating red and white food somehow molded into heart formations, staring at tinsel centerpieces while justifying your single status with “he’s intimidated by me” excuses. Stay in, pick up the phone and order Chinese, pop in your favorite movie and relish the fact that you have yet to find someone who expects laundry service, hookups and 100 percent of your attention at his beckand call.

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