The school year is coming to a close (that was probably one of the most depressing things I’ve ever written) and it’s time for everyone to start tying up their loose ends. Pass finals: Check. Pack up dorm/beach house room: Check. Break up with significant other?
The decision to continue a college relationship over the long summer months is one that many of us have had to make at least once in our lives.
If you’re part of that couple that fights and breaks up every other day, you’ll have no problem come summertime. Your last two break-ups were most likely based on the depth of old school versus new school Adam Sandler movies or whether or not there is a wrong way to eat a Reese’s, but you’ve survived both. Now he’s mad because he saw you sitting at a library computer next to the guy you kissed once three years ago and, bam, it’s over until September when, after too many nights alone in his parents’ hot tub, he’ll realize that he can’t live without you. You’ll be back together before add/drop is over.
Another couple that won’t have any trouble in the summer is the cheating couple. These two cheat on each other freely and everybody knows about it – except for them. Once vacation starts, they’ll continue with the lies and deceit, and pick up where they left off come fall semester. Healthy, right?
One couple that may have some trouble around this time of year is the married couple. They start sentences with “we,” (“we” don’t go out on Tuesdays, “we” only drink Michelob Ultra). Even if they’re from opposite sides of the country, they’ll find a way to spend time together in the summer because if they don’t, they will cease to exist.
You might be fortunate enough to be in a relationship with someone you don’t really care that much about. Sure, you think they’re nice, maybe even good looking (and let’s face it, nobody likes to sleep alone), but would it be the end of the world if one day you just, oops, forgot to call him back and that was that?
I didn’t think so.
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