Ah, the dreaded curse of the straight-to-DVD sequel. There is no exception with “Bachelor Party 2: The Last Temptation,” the newly released sequel to the 1984 classic “Bachelor Party” starring Tom Hanks.

It doesn’t matter how successful the original was, any film that produces a straight-to-DVD sequel is inevitably going to suck.

Viewers pretty much know what to expect: A sub-par story line, no original cast members and unconvincing acting.

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The same rules apply for “Bachelor Party 2: The Last Temptation.”

Similar to the plot of its predecessor, the story of “Bachelor Party 2” revolves around a recently engaged man, Ron (Josh Cooke), and his group of quirky friends, all of whom are less than thrilled about losing their friend to the married life.

Although he may not be a familiar face to most moviegoers, Cooke pulls off an exceptional job even with a lackluster script. Hopefully the future will hold good things for Cooke.

Ron’s fiancé, Melinda (Sara Foster), comes from a very wealthy family who welcomes Ron with open arms. When Melinda’s brother, Todd (Warren Christie) sees Ron as competition to take over the family business, he conjures up an elaborate plan to sabotage the relationship.

Todd invites Ron and his group of friends to Miami for a bachelor party, where he hopes the temptation of gorgeous women will lead Ron to cheat on his future wife.

This simple story line was only written, though, as an excuse to have ridiculous amounts of naked women flood the screen. Don’t get me wrong, I love the female anatomy, but the use of nudity in this film is, at times, pointless and completely unnecessary. I’m still not sure if this would be considered a positive or a negative.

When first sitting down to watch the film, I had little or no expectations for the movie to be enjoyable. Although there were lines in the film that left me laughing out loud, they were, of course, outweighed by the number of lines that left me shaking my head in disappointment.

While you’ll find a few laughs here and there, the movie is mostly filled with overused and unfunny jokes.

The two things that really save the movie are the beautiful Foster as well as Emmanuelle Vaugier, who plays Eva, one of the girls Todd hires to tempt Ron. Although both actresses do a fantastic job of forming an attractive cast, they fall short of bring any laughter.

I’ll break it down like this: Take the classic film “Old School,” subtract the laughter, and multiply the nudity by 10. What you are left with is “Bachelor Party 2: The Last Temptation.”

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