After two weeks of living in the library with an IV of coffee dripping into your arm, the end of finals cannot come soon enough. You race to pack up your car and head home to a summer filled with trips to the beach and catching up with friends from high school.
Let's be honest: no one on this campus has ever seen an episode of the original "Starsky and Hutch." Why? Because, most of us weren't even a thought in our parents' inebriated minds as they watched the original ABC series while they were in college in the 70s.
There is only one radio station where shows like "In Da Mixx," "Gospel Essence," "Who's Partying" and "Polish Heritage" come together. WVOF 88.5 is composed of roughly 300 students, members of the community and alumni hosting over 50 shows ranging from contemporary, rock and urban.
In Monty Python's The Life of Brian, John Cleese leads the People's Front of Judea as they complain about the invasion of the Romans. "What have the Romans ever given us?" Cleese asks. One by one, the People's Front offers Roman contributions -- the aqueduct, sanitation, and irrigation.
Takin' 5 with JonnieProud Staff writer Melissa Nowicki interviews Mike Falzone 06' of the band JonnieProud MN: When did your band JonnieProud form? MF: I've been playing guitar for about five years. When I was in high school my friends Aaron Dzujna [back up vocals] and Matt Riscol [bassist] and I decided to play some open mic nights in Stratford, CT and we began to be known as JonnieProud.
I recently became engaged to my boyfriend of three years, and what a whirlwind has ensued. There are many well-wishers, but for every five "Congratulations!" there is one "Why are you rushing? How old are you?" person who is convinced that a twenty-something cannot be making a wise decision with regard to love.
If David T. Abercrombie and Erza Fitch heard what has become of their store today, they would be rolling around in their graves. In 1892 Abercrombie founded a store dedicated to selling the highest quality of camping, fishing and hunting gear in New York City.
The year: 1965. The prank: After operating hours, Fairfield University students hid in the library, then housed on the first floor of Canisius, in order to empty the legendary "Cage." Locked inside were books banned from general circulation by the Catholic Church's Canon Law of 1399.
The Rec Plex has gotten a makeover. In addition to adding new programs like Thursday's Ladies Night in the weight room, intramural field hockey and Stag Splash, the Rec Plex has added new equipment. The first changes this summer were made in the cardiovascular room on the first floor.