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Told by Drudoll: Put a sock in it

A pair of socks can do wonders for an outfit. Yup, you read right — socks. These small accessories can do anything from creating a casual look to adding excitement to your attire.
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Told by Drudoll: 5 Fashion Trends of the Year

1. Bling It On. A little extra shine can’t hurt … unless it’s reflecting in the sun, of course. Metallic fabrics are making a big entrance in 2014. From copper tones to rich gold shimmer, you will be seeing a lot more shine in stores.
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Better Know A Stag Staffer

Many people have preconceived notions about people with cleaning jobs without knowing anything about their lives. The Mirror recently interviewed Ada Rodriguez, a Cuban woman who has cleaned at Fairfield...
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Guilty! Wait…But Not Actually

Picture this: For 25 years you’ve been waking up to the dull walls of a maximum security penitentiary and separated from your loved ones because you murdered your spouse. One more thing: you didn’t...