Dear Dee,
I am currently a business major but every semester I realize more and more that this is not what I want to do. I do a lot of volunteer work with younger children and that is where my passion is. I talked to my parents about this, but they think that I should remain a business major because there will be more opportunities for me when I graduate. I really want to pursue Education.
I know my parents are paying for my education, but does that give them the right to decide what I should pursue for a major?
Wow. Well first of all, you are ahead of most of us here at Fairfield University; you know what you want.
That’s a great start in the right direction, and very Jesuit of you for the volunteer work. And you want to work with younger children? You are shaping up to be a saint, which God knows, we definitely need more of these days.
But all joking aside, if your passion is with children and education, then that is the direction YOU need to go in. If your mother and father are going to help dress you and go to interviews for you when you start applying for business jobs, then yes, they have the utmost right to want to keep you in business.
But since you seem like a strong, independent individual and you know what you want, then I’m guessing you won’t be skipping out on job interviews to have your mother win over your future boss with that story about how cute it was when you were six and snorted milk out of your nose …
Although your parents think there may be more opportunities with business when you graduate, which there very well could be, do you really want to wake up in 10 years and HATE every minute of every day because you’re stuck in a job you absolutely can’t stand? No.
Teaching is one of the greatest gifts a person can give, and if you love teaching and being around kids, especially little ones (you know what they say, patience is a virtue), then you will make an amazing teacher.
And as long as you’re happy, your parents will be too, because as you know, they love you. So drop the business attire, and start looking for those awesome teacher supplies we all know and love.
And remember; while the rest of the business world is trying to fit two weeks vacation in during the summer, you’ll be planning your next year’s curriculum while sipping lemonade at the pool side.
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