Allison White, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
As a first-year entering The Mirror office my first semester, I never pictured that one day this newspaper would mean so much to me and that I would be Editor-in-Chief. There’s nothing like running on four hours of sleep, consistently being stressed and spending all my time in the office, but I can’t imagine my college experience without The Mirror and all the pals I made from it. Cheers to the new staff (because now I can go to $2 Tuesday!!).

Catherine Veschi, Managing Editor Emeritus
As cliché as it may sound, I remember the day I first set foot in the Mirror office like it was just yesterday. I had no idea, sitting in that office that first pitch meeting, that I was sitting alongside some of the writers and editors that would play such a significant role in my college career. At first-year orientation, they always tell you that at Fairfield, you’ll meet a group of people that will make the larger college community feel like a smaller family, and, of course, I rolled my eyes when I heard this like all the other first-years. But I can confidently say that my co-workers at The Mirror are the people who became my Fairfield family and community, and I’ll always be grateful for that.

Andrew DaRosa, Executive Editor Emeritus
I always joke about getting older now that I am (gasp!) a senior in college, but last week during my final issue at The Mirror, I felt something that I can only describe as my life coming full-circle without the nagging feeling of my seniority (no pun intended).
As I say my final goodbye to The Mirror, I want to say one last goodbye. That last goodbye is to not just my co-workers or friends, but my Mirror family that has shown me an immense amount of love that continues to radiate and be a positive influence in my life. Each person that has worked in that office has had a great impact on not only me as a worker, but as a person, and that is something I am eternally grateful for. Without my Mirror family, I’m not sure where exactly my college career would’ve ended up.

Alfredo Torres, Sports Editor Emeritus
It truly has been a journey. I still remember the first day I walked into the Mirror office and how nervous I was as a first year. As a senior now, it has given me much time to reflect and joining the Mirror was for sure one of the best decisions I have made here at Fairfield University. From the heartbreaking losses at Alumni Hall and Webster Bank, to the long hours in the office, my time at the Mirror has been a wonderful memory. I will not only miss working for the Mirror and covering sports, but I will definitely miss all the people that I have met along the way. It’s been a pleasure and an honor, I wish the new staff the best of luck. I’m Out!

Juliana Sansonetti, Co-News Editor Emeritus
When I look back upon my college years when I am old and gray, I am sure that many of the small details of my experience here at Fairfield University will be more than a little blurry; however, one thing that I am certain that I will remember until the day I die is my time at The Mirror. Those two words bring back memories of late nights in the office, trips to Chipotle with co-workers and moving in early for our annual “boot camp.” I’ve met some of my best friends at The Mirror, and the office will forever feel more like home than any of my dorm rooms ever did. These past four years have been a beautiful experience, and it is with tears in my eyes that I now bid farewell to an era of joy, tears and laughter. Through nearly getting fired, making countless mistakes and missing way too many deadlines, I still wouldn’t trade one second of it for the world.

Ariana Puzzo, Online Editor-in-Chief
I find it impossible to believe that I am writing a farewell to The Mirror as I also prepare to say goodbye to Fairfield in a few short months. The Mirror always felt like a constant in my life and saying goodbye to the staff, the long Tuesday nights and the laughs that we shared over the years is bittersweet. My four years with The Mirror flew by like a dream, and I still remember my first pitch meeting when I nervously joined the Opinion section. To that nervous freshman; you made the best decision of your life. You should be incredibly proud that you put yourself out there and grateful that you listened to your parents’ advice when they said that joining the newspaper would open doors for you. To the present Mirror staff, thank you for making every moment an adventure. To the past Mirror staff, thank you for believing in my abilities and opening that first door.



About The Author

Junior -- Politics Major

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