I try not to live in the past, but like anybody else, there is some behavior I regret during my college years. Yes, even I have regrets. Unfortunately, college is a breeding ground for regrettable behavior: with all the booze flowing like wine and hormonal young adults running wild. College is an emotional disaster waiting to happen.

Well it is December, and I guess it’s safe to say that you, a devoted Mirror reader, and I have now formed a strong enough relationship where I feel comfortable enough to share some of my own regrettable behavior. Wow, where do I begin?

Some people may argue that my topless run around the 12-block of the Townhouses after a friend dared me was “regrettable behavior.” I at least heard about it afterwards and regretted it. I’m sure if my parents are reading this online right now, they’re regretting it too.

I guess one of my biggest regrets of college was the day I let my friend guide me through New York City to get a fake ID (for fun, not to try to illegally purchase alcohol or anything) and I came home not only ID-less but also $140 poorer. Why I believed that this nice man was going to run all of my cash through a “money checking machine” and then return with it all, I still am not sure to this day. However, a thirsty freshman will do anything I suppose.

These are only a small few among numerous regrettable things I do all the time- I’m sure if you know my friends, they will tell you. “Super-manning” it down the stairs, streaking, repeatedly making failed attempts to hook up with Brian Clarke and getting kicked out of the Sea Grape are all in a day’s work for this girl. Don’t ask me why.

If we’re out together and you see me beginning to do something regrettable or embarrassing feel free to hold me back. It will be greatly appreciated. I’ll try to get all of this “regrettable behavior” out of my system before May. But, unfortunately, I’m not making any promises.

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